
planetare Ringe (planetary rings)

Astronomy Now | Breaking News | Dusty ring may be tell-tale mark of emerging planetary system
Dusty ring may be tell-tale mark of emerging planetary system HARVARD-SMITHSONIAN CENTER FOR ASTROPHYSICS NEWS RELEASE Posted: October 29, 1999 The popular image of nascent planetary systems as thin, spinning pancakes of cosmic dust and debris may be 
The Planetary Rings Node
The Planetary Rings Node is devoted to archiving and distributing scientific data sets relevant to planetary ring systems. The two major classes of ring data are images and occultation profiles, although a variety of additional data types (e.g. spectra, particle absorption signatures, etc.) are also of interest. A large fraction of our data sets are from the Voyager missions to the outer... 
Planetary Astronomy
Planetary Astronomy Association of Lunar Planetary Observers ( ALPO ) An educational organization that instucts observers in proper technique, collects amateur observations and promulgates them to the professional community. Bureau des Longitudes ( IMCCE 
Planetary Astronomy - Planetary Astronomy Association of Lunar Planetary Observers ( ALPO ) An educational organization that instucts observers in proper technique, collects amateur observations and promulgates them to thehttp://www.cv.nrao.edu/fits/www/yp_planetary.html
Planetary Astronomy Association of Lunar Planetary Observers ( ALPO ) An educational organization that instucts observers in proper technique, collects amateur observations and promulgates them to the 
APOD: August 2, 1995 - Jupiter's Rings
Discover the cosmos! Each day we feature a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. August 2, 
Planetary image finders
Note: This page is dedicated to listing the best sources of high-resolution, often unprocessed images, for each planet or moon. If you are interested in seeing just a few good pictures of a planet or moon, or in information about them, try one of these other resources: 
APOD: April 30, 1996 - Uranus' Ring System
Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. April 30, 1996 Uranus' Ring
Planetary Observing
A brief, beginner's guide to observing the planets. From the Smoky Mountain Astronomical Society. 
Astronomy Picture of the Day
The links in this page have the word WhiteDwarf . Design of this page: Momoko Astronomy Picture of the Day Index : WhiteDwarf 
Astronomy for Kids - The Planets
Astronomy for Kids is an astronomy site designed with kids in mind, as well as their parents 
Planetary Astronomy
Planetary Astronomy Darwin ( Space IR Interferometry Mission ) Darwin is a proposal for a European infrared interferometer in space. Its first aim is to detect Earth-like planets around nearby stars, and then to search for a signature of life, ozone in an 
(APS) Planetary magnetospheres, Io torus (LASP & APS) Space Physics, planetary ...
(APS) Planetary magnetospheres, Io torus Dan Baker (LASP & APS) Space Physics, planetary magnetospheres Charles Barth (LASP & APS) Planetary atmospheres ... 
Department of Astronomy - Planetary Astronomy
University of Maryland at College Park Department of Astronomy - Planetary Astronomy Recent Explorations cometary astronomy planetary rings Shoemaker-Levy impact with Jupiter Like fingerprints left at the scene of a crime, the small bodies remaining from
Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive
Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive 
A dusty ring maybe the tell-tale mark of on emerging planetary sy
A Dusty Ring May Be the Tell-Tale Mark of an Emerging Planetary System CAMBRIDGE, MA -- The popular image of nascent planetary systems as thin, spinning pancakes of cosmic dust and debris may be changed by a new computer model that shows how that disk of debri 
Planetary Astronomy
Planetary Astronomy Bureau des Longitudes ( IMCCE - BdL ) The BdL (Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Ephémérides du Bureau des Longitudes) publishes ephemerides and performs research activities related to solar system objects, celestial 
Saturn's E ring
Circumplanetary Dust Grains: from Birth to Death. Nice WWW-lecture introduces the circumplanetary dust research to everybody. Enjoy the animations!