
Merkur (=Mercury)

MERCURY. HOW MERCURY WAS DISCOVERED. (Bill Yenne, "The Atlas of the Solar System," Brompton Books Corp., Greenwich, 1987, p. 23.) * Johann Hieronymus... 
Open Directory - Science: Astronomy: Solar System: Mercury
about dmoz | add URL | update URL | become an editor | feedback the entire directory only in Solar_System/Mercury Top: Science: Astronomy: Solar System: Mercury (6) Mercury - Hawaiian Astronomical Society, Calvin J. Hamilton Mercury - at NASA/JPL.. 
Micronet: Astronomy: Mercury
Mercury. The other Planets: Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Back to planets home page. Back to astronomy home... 
ASTRONOMY Magazine - Astronomy News - We're Going Back to Mercury
NASA has decided to return to Mercury after a three-decade absence to make the first comprehensive map of the pockmarked planet. 
The Planet Mercury - Space and Astronomy for Kids Net Links
Web pages with information about the planet Mercury, the closest plant to the sun, from your About.com Guide 
Mercury is the innermost planet of the solar system. It's close proximity to the Sun makes the surface extremely hot (about 425 celcius) on the sunward-facing side, but this is balanced by a relatively cool (about -185 celcius), shaded, outward-facing side. 
Mercury - Astronomy - http://www.maxpages.com/space9/Mercury
Astronomy, Mercury
Views of the Solar System
Privacy Statement Views of the Solar System by Calvin J.Hamilton Views of the Solar System presents a vivid multimedia adventure unfolding the splendor of the Sun, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and more. Discover the latest scientific... 
Kennedy Space Center Home Page
Welcome to Kennedy Space Center, America's gateway to the universe. For the latest across NASA, visit today@nasa.gov Welcome to KSC Visit the KSC Newsroom 
Mercury, astronomy
Astronomy: Mercury
Mosaic of Mercury made using data from flybys of the planet by the Mariner 10 probe in 1974 and 1975. Credit: NASA 125 ko. ... 
Yahoo! Science:Astronomy:Solar System:Planets:Mercury
Personalize Help - Check Email Home > Science > Astronomy > Solar System > Planets > Mercury Click Here! all of Yahoo! just this category Inside Yahoo! News: 
SEDS Galaxy: Astronomy & Space Sciences
Amateur Astronomy Educational Resources in Astronomy Astronomical Data Sources Astronomy News Astronomy Publications Astronomy Software Celestial Events 
APOD: August 13, 1995 - The Sun Erupts
Discover the cosmos! Each day we feature a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 
Astronomy Supplement - The Terrestrial Planets
8.1. The Terrestrial Planets, An Overview 8.1.1. Mercury 8.1.2. Venus Box 8.1. - Radar Mapping of Planetary Surfaces 8.1.3. Mars 8.2. Terrain-Shaping Processes 8.2.1. ... 
The Planet Mercury - Space and Astronomy for Kids Net Links
You are here: Home > Kids/Teens > Space Astronomy for Kids > Net Links Thu, Dec 9, 1999 Cynthia Phillips - your About.com Guide to:Space Astronomy for Kids Content: Welcome | Netlinks | Articles | Guide Bio | Search | Related TalkAbout: Forums | Chat 
LT: Astronomy: Mercury
Mercury ŠNASA (Mariner 10) Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. It is quite similar to the Moon, with lots of craters, but it has no moon of its... 
USC's Mercury Project
Co-directors: Ken Goldberg and Michael Mascha Project team: Steven Gentner, Nick Rothenberg, Carl Sutter, Jeff Wiegley USC's Mercury Project combined robotics and archaeology in an interactive art installation. To our knowledge, the Mercury Project. 
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 
Astronomy for Kids - Mercury
Where is It? Click Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. The orbit, or path, it takes around the sun is not in a circle like Earth. The path it takes is called an ellipse, which is like a circle that has been stretched out. For this reason, the 
Astronomy & Space Science Kits
Share these Hands-on Astronomy Lessons with your children and watch their enthusiasm grow! 
The Planet Mercury - Space and Astronomy for Kids Net Links
You are here: Home > Education > Space Astronomy for Kids > Net Links Tue, Dec 14, 1999 Cynthia Phillips - your About.com Guide to:Space Astronomy for Kids Content: Welcome | Netlinks | Articles | Guide Bio | Search | Related | About College TalkAbout 
APOD: September 8, 1999 - A Superior Conjunction Of Mercury
Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. September 8, 1999 A Superior 
The best star chart on the web! Want to know where, when, and how to find a planet? When's the next meteor shower? Where is the comet? These pages... 
Planet Mercury
Astronomy Homework Research Help Compiled by Gary Agranat GCA7Sky@AOL.Com Solar System Menu Life in the Universe Mercury @ SEDS Nine Planets Mercury @ Views of the Solar System 
The Planet Mercury - Space and Astronomy for Kids Net Links
You are here: Home > Kids > Space Astronomy for Kids > Net Links Thu, Dec 23, 1999 Cynthia Phillips - your About.com Guide to:Space Astronomy for Kids Content: Welcome | Netlinks | Articles | Guide Bio | Search | Related TalkAbout: Forums | Chat 
APOD Glossary
Astronomy Picture of the Day Glossary Cepheid: A pulsating variable star. This type of star undergoes a rhythmic pulsation as indicated by its regular pattern of changing brightness as a function of time. 
Astronomy Online - Mercury
Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. Of all the planets, it has the most elliptical orbit, except for Pluto. Because of its elliptical orbit, Mercury's closest distance to the 
Astronomy Picture of the Day
The links in this page have the word Mercury . Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (USRA) NASA Technical Rep.: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply. 
Planetary Photojournal: NASA's Image Access Home Page
publicly released images from various Solar System exploration programs 
Astronomy gifs of Mercury and Venus
pc/gifinner: Astronomy gifs of Mercury and Venus 00index.txt 999 Dec 5 08:53 Descriptions of the files in the gifinner directory bluvenus.gif 53288 Mar 9 1995 The globe of Venus through a violet filter (Galileo?) caloris.gif 299941 Jan 31 1996 Caloris 
Our Solar System
Group Planets... 
Astronomy Picture of the Day
The links in this page have the word Mercury . Design of this page: Momoko Astronomy Picture of the Day Index : Mercury
OSD Astronomy Web Group - Home Page
MERCURY Mercury (JPL) Messenger Mission to Mercury HERMES TO MERCURY Back to NASA SITES GRAPHICS version Back to NASA SITES TEXT version 
Planetary Observing
A brief, beginner's guide to observing the planets. From the Smoky Mountain Astronomical Society. 
Astronomy - Space Net Links
Astronomy resources, from the sun to pluto, from your About.com Guide.