E |
- browsable, zoomable,
and scrollable atlas of Mars, showing the
locations (footprints) of thousands of high-resolution Viking Orbiter images.
Mars Global Surveyor Mars
bringing amateur and professional Mars observers
together. View the latest images of Mars taken
during the 1998-1999 Mars opposition window.
-Astronomy League
All sorts of information
about the planet Mars!!! Lots o' links!
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to listen to our audio files Mars Pathfinder:
Breaking News Updated at 2246 UT on October 31, 1997 Continuous coverage
from Astronomy Now October 31, 1997 The latest
official JPL ...
The Planetary Studies
Foundation is a non-profit educational corporation. Our Mission is to promote
the study of planetary science and astronomy
with an emphasis on meteoritics; and to sponsor, encourage and assist study
in the physical, astronomical
for Kids is an astronomy site designed with
kids in mind, as well as their parents
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in Mars/Colonization Top : Science : Astronomy
: Solar System : Mars : Colonization (0)
Title: Mars
Navigator: An Interactive CD Program about Mars,
Aerospace Engineering, Astronomy, and JPL
Mars Missions Author: Gramoll, Kurt, C. Publisher:
Engineered Multimedia, Inc. (11/1996) Version: 1.0.1 Summary: This CD-ROM
introduces basic astronomy
Links Mars Face Sites (Cydonia): Cydonia Mars
Cydonia Mars Face exoScience - Mars
Global Surveyor - Cydonia, Pathfinder, Viking Special Report The Enterprise
Mission The "Face on Mars" The Face on Mars
Face II at Cydonia on Mars: The Anunnaki
ICARUS is the official
publication of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical
Society and is dedicated to reporting the results of new
experimental, or theoretical---concerning the astronomy,
geology, meteorology, physics, chemistry, biology, and other scientific
aspects of our solar system or extrasolar systems.
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MOC2-185 Margaritifer
Chaos October 1999 MOC2-184 Frost Returns to North October 1999 MOC2-180
to MOC2-183 Ocean/Shoreline Tests October 1999 Mars
Exploration Science Themes
The Center for
Mars Exploration (CMEX) WWW server is constantly
being updated, so keep checking this page for many new features including
historical references to Mars, previous Mars
mission information, tools to analyze Mars,
current Mars news, and much more.
The Mars
Global Surveyor spacecraft will slip into orbit around the Red Planet tonight.
The probe is due to fire its main engine at 0117:16 UT for 22 minutes and
17 seconds. It
Picture of the Day Index : Mars The links
in this page have the word Mars . | Archive
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On Mars All of Mars
A Martian Lake Bed Haunting Mars Ice Clouds
over Mars...
Welcome to the
MarsNet World-Wide Web Server! MarsNet
is the WWW arm of the International Mars Watch,
a group founded by professional astronomers interested in Mars
to facilitate better communication between the amateur and professional
Mars observing communities.
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1. It was Georg
Joachim Rheticus, the pupil of Copernicus, according to Kepler, Astronomia
Nova, in Johannes Kepler, Gesammelte Werke, 22 vols., ed. W. von ...
for Kids is an astronomy site designed with
kids in mind, as well as their parents
Our organization
is devoted to the exploration of the solar system and the search for extraterrestrial
Welcome to my Video
Astronomy and astrophotography page. Video
images of the Sun, Moon and Planets are featured in these pages along with
a number of deepsky objects photographed using off the shelf Kodak Gold
1000 film.
Information, articles,
links about Mars Pathinder arriving at the
planet Mars
in ... 3 Images (1997 - May 1, 3, 4) Mars
is still the brightest object. May 1, 1997. ... Virgo / Leo. May 3, 1997.
... Virgo / Leo. May 4, 1997...
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in Exploration/Missions Top: Science: Astronomy:
Solar System: Mars: Exploration: Missions
(35) Mars Climate Orbiter (1) Mars
Express (3) Mars Global Surveyor.
As the leading
organization of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of investigations
of Outer Space, Solar System planets and other objects of the Universe,
Space Research Institute (IKI) is primary in charge of long-range planning
Posted: September
19, 1999 Europe's Mars Express spacecraft
will carry the radar experiment to the Red Planet. Image: ESA. University
of Iowa professor and ...
Information, articles,
links about Mars Pathinder arriving at the
planet Mars
The announcement
by NASA of the possible discovery of signs of early life on Mars
could prove one of the most important scientific discoveries of all time.
Information, articles,
links about Mars Pathinder arriving at the
planet Mars
Global Surveyor is nearing the end of its 10-month, 700 million km journey
to the Red Planet. The orbiter will fire its main engine for 20 minutes
at 0117 UT on Friday and
ist zwar der größere
der beiden Monde des Roten Planeten, aber mit seiner Kartoffelform und
Durchmessern von rund 19 bis 27 Kilometern dennoch ein Winzling im