Cosmology Group, University of Kansas, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Cosmology Group, Department of Physics and Astronomy The University of Kansas Welcome to the home page of the Cosmology Group in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Kansas. The primary research interest in our group is in data 
Astronomy and Cosmology
A source for information on astronomy, cosmology, and related topics. 
Culture, Astronomy and Cosmology
General Reference Ancient Near Eastern Astronomy Archaeoastronomy Centre for Archaeoastronomy Catholic Encyclopedia (Cosmology) Cosmology: A Research Briefing History of Astronomy : Cosmology History of Cosmology History of Astronomy: Items... 
Astronomy Cosmology
Astronomy and Cosmology Astronomy Asteroids Awards Books Checklist Images In the Sky Links My Helpful Tips Planet Profiles SETI Software Telescopes Weight on Worlds Cosmology Anti-Matter Black Holes Curved Space Dark Matter Discussion Board Entropy 
Cosmology at UBC
There are three groups whose main focus is cosmology: Experimental Cosmology - Halpern Measurements of the cosmic microwave background from balloon, rocket, and satellite. 
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Publishes research results in positional astronomy, cosmology, astronomical instrument design, and related fields. Submit a piece or subscribe. 
Wayne Hyatt's Home Pages - Astronomy & Cosmology
Astronomy and Cosmology - WWWBoard
Astronomy and Cosmology - WWWBoard [ index, by thread ] [ index, by date ] [ guidelines ] [ administrator ] [ Astronomy and Cosmology - Home ] subject author date re: in English, Universe or Cosmos (n/t Trevor Jackson 6:33 am Wednesday December 22 
Anaximander - Encyclopedia Britannica
Details the Greek philosopher's life and pursuits in the fields of natural philosophy, cosmology, astronomy and mathematics. 
Astronomy 162: Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology
In our first semester of astronomy we were concerned primarily with our own Solar System. In this semester we broaden our perspective and consider the entire Universe. Much of the material for ...
Astronomy, cosmology Day Star: Welcome
Exploring and debating the ultimate questions raised by science— Caught up in life’s rat race? Take time to do something uniquely human: stop and... 
Theoretical Cosmology at UIUC
Theoretical Cosmology at UIUC Theoretical cosmology research at UIUC is focussed on and the nature of dark matter (it's dark, hence no picture...). 
Computational Science Resources: Astronomy and Cosmology
This page contains links to professional organizations, magazines and journals, NASA sites, and other links related to astronomy, space travel, astrophysics, and cosmology. For 
The Universe and the Origin of Life
The Astronomy 201 homepage of the Astronomy Department at the University of Washington in Seattle;includes links to Cosmology,Life in the Universe,and General Astronomy
cosmology review
osmology Review The latest theories and opinions in cosmology. Main Articles Suggested Books Deep Space Image Maps Modern Cosmologists Reader's Forum 
Astronomy & Cosmology - Weight On Worlds
Astronomy and Cosmology
Peer-reviewed, quarterly journal of physics and astronomy. Features cosmology analysis and speculative articles from prominent researchers. 
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Publishes the results of original research in positional and dynamical astronomy, astrophysics, radio astronomy, cosmology, space research and the design of astronomical instruments. 
Astronomy HyperText Book
Warning: This is a Never Ending Project which is not yet well- organized due to lack of time. The best example of integration of animations, graphics, data, etc are in the actually course web pages that are now referenced below. 
Astronomy 420 - Galaxies and Cosmology
Astronomy 420 - Galaxies and Cosmology Spring 2000 Schedule of Classes Section Time(s) Instructor Room Next Offered in Fall 2000 Syllabus Last Updated: Wed Jan 12 16:42:54 PST 2000 Classes / Physics & Astronomy / University of Southern California 
Univ. of New South Wales - Astrophysics and Optics
Department emphasizes research in cosmology and infrared astronomy. View live video. 
Culture, Astronomy and Cosmology
General Reference Aztec/Inca/Maya Astronomy Early Greek Cosmology Magazines and Journals : Culture and Science Archaeoastronomy Centre for Archaeoastronomy Catholic Encyclopedia (Cosmology) Introduction to Philosophy and Cosmological Studies Stonehenge Interactive (VR) Stonehenge: Alta Vista Search The Ancient World Web: The Ultimate Index of All 
General Relativity around the world
The NCSA Relativity Group is maintaining a list of Relativity related services available on the Internet. Here you will find a list of resources, including Servers for other relativity groups, as well as Physics, Astrophysics, and Astronomy resources.
Ancient Astronomy
Very nice and extensive site, though with rather heavy graphics, mostly on archaeoastronomy and multicultural cosmology of ancient times. 
Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics is a joint Japanese-American X-ray astronomy mission. Read mission and equipment profiles. 
Lycos Directory: Science > Astronomy > Cosmology
Search the Web: Lycos Network: Tripod.com | Angelfire.com | MailCity.com | WhoWhere.com | HotBot.com. All Sites... Alabama. Alaska. Arizona. Arkansas... 
HotBot Directory/ Science & Technology/ Astronomy/ Cosmology
EMAIL · HOMEPAGES · MESSAGE BOARDS · CHAT · PERSONAL GUIDE. Search the Web Top/ Science & Technology/ Astronomy/ Cosmology. Search Encyclopedia.com... 
The MPA Cosmology Homepage
The MPA Cosmology Homepage, MPA, Garching 
NO OTHER subject in astronomy may be more exciting or more controversial than cosmology. Virtually every culture throughout history has struggled with its own cosmology, attempting to explain the universe and the presence of life within it. 
Shade Tree Physics
Articles on Newtonian physics applied to astronomy and cosmology. Emphasis on works of Walter Ritz. Anisotropic quasar redshift histograms. Index of early bremsstrahuung journal articles. Commentaries and URLs dealing with Velikovsky. 
Cavendish Astrophysics Homepage
The Cavendish Astrophysics Group Cavendish Laboratory Welcome to the Cavendish Astrophysics Group homepage. The Astrophysics group is part of the Cavendish Laboratory, the Physics Department of the University of Cambridge. The Astrophysics Group... 
Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology
Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology Receive email when this page changes other sections in Physics : Atomic and Molecular Physics - Biophysics - Condensed Matter - Elementary Particles and Fields - Fluids and Plasmas - Instrumentation and Applied Physics 
an "interactive book" focusing on the topics of astronomy, cosmology, and theoretical physics. It also provides a number of unique services including an index of all 88 constellations, several interactive games and quizzes, and extensive information on stars, galaxies, the Big Bang, and other fascinating topics! 
Online Space Notes
Japan's national space agency offers a simple introduction to astronomy, space exploration, and cosmology
Culture, Astronomy and Cosmology
General Reference Archaeoastronomy Centre for Archaeoastronomy Catholic Encyclopedia (Cosmology) Introduction to Philosophy and Cosmological Studies Stonehenge Interactive (VR) Stonehenge: Alta Vista Search The Ancient World Web: The Ultimate Index. 
Cosmology websites 
Astropro NetSelect Directory: Astronomy Section
A hand-picked directory of links to selected astronomy sites. 
The Astronomical Journal
Founded in 1849 and published by the American Astronomical Society with an emphasis on observational papers. Its expanded coverage of quasars, galaxies, supernova remnants, and studies of the interstellar medium complements the more traditional areas of astronomy, including galactic structure and dynamics, astrometry, variable and binary stars, solar system studies, and cosmology
Nick's Astronomy Notes
Take an introductory course in astronomy covering history, cosmology, and extraterrestrial life. With updates on the latest research. 
cosmology review
osmology Review The latest theories and opinions in cosmology. Main Articles Suggested Books Deep Space Image Maps Reader's Forum Mini Encyclopedia The problem with Earth's precession