

HR Diagram Description
Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) Diagram The diagram below shows an example of an Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram. The first such diagram was plotted by Ejnar Hertzspung in 1911, and (independently) by Henry Norris Russell in 1913. It is a "two... 
Astronomy, HR Diagram, Color Index, Temperature and Bolometric Magnitude
The Hertzsrung-Russell Diagram (HR Diagram) as related to Stellar Radius and Temperature This page uses Java Script for the Calculations written by Larry Bogan The HR Diagrams plots stellar brightness versus surface temperature Luminosity vs. Surface 
Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
In a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, each star is represented by a dot. One uses data from lots of stars, so there are lots of dots. The position of each dot on the diagram corresponds to the star's luminosity and its temperature 
Lecture 10: The H-R Diagram (Pogge/Wi98)
Astronomy 162: Introduction to Stellar, Galactic, & Extragalactic Astronomy Lecture 10: Synthesis: The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Reading: Ch 9-3 Key Ideas: The 
Astronomy, HR Diagram, Color Index, Temperature and Bolometric Magnitude
HR Diagram Description
The diagram below shows an example of an Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram. The first such diagram was plotted by Ejnar Hertzspung in 1911, and (independently) by Henry Norris Russell in 1913. 
Astronomy Teaching Tips - HR Diagram
HR Diagram I drew the HR diagram, explained the axes and main sequence. I then explained how you can estimate the radius of a star by assuming it behaves like a blackbody and reading the luminosity and temperature off the HR diagram. After I had 
HR Diagram Description
The diagram below shows an example of an Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram. The first such diagram was plotted by Ejnar Hertzspung in 1911, and (independently) by Henry Norris Russell in 1913. 
Stellar Evolution on PC
Free PC/DOS program StarClock 2.0 animates stellar evolution in the HR diagram... 
Review for The HR-Diagram- the Land of Giants and Dwarfs?
Supplemental Material for Lecture 7 The HR-Diagram- the Land of Giants and Dwarfs? Related Web Sites : Again, John Evans has some excellent reading on-line from his Astro 103 course. Chapter 13 particularly relevant to this lecture. Earth and Sky... 
The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
CASS Astronomy Tutorial The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram, pioneered independently by Elnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris Russell, plots Luminosity as a function of Temperature for stars. 
HR Diagram
1.5........................... ..... ... ....... .......... 
Astronomy HyperText Book: Stellar Evolution
The basics of stellar evolution, including an introduction to the H-R diagram
ASTROPHYSICS COURSE Dr. Observational Astronomy Hertzsprung-Russell and colour-magnitude diagrams The Hertzsprung-Russell (or HR) diagram is an extremely powerful way of displaying the statistical behaviour of a large number of stars. 
Absolute Magnitude and HR Diagram - HR Diagrams, Absolute Magnitude & Distance Name: In astronomy, finding the distance (d) to objects has been critical to our understanding of the universe. In prhttp://www.cocc.edu/lpratt/lab5_absmag_distance_lab.htm
HR Diagrams, Absolute Magnitude & Distance Name: In astronomy, finding the distance (d) to objects has been critical to our understanding of the universe. In pr 
Summary of "Stellar Temperature Measurement"
Summary page for lesson about the Sun, measuring stellar temperatures, and the HR diagram
HR DIAGRAM of M15 Welcome to U.C. Berkeley's Astro/Physics 39 Webpage!! On this page, you will read about our research on the Global Cluster M-15. <<<This research project is brought to you by: 
HR Diagrams
stellar solar temperature hr measurement sun sun sun sun temperature solar sun measurement kelvin stellar solar hr diagram solar temperature stellar 
HR Diagram Exercise
Astronomy 124 HR Diagram and Distances Exercise Print this page out to do this exercise. See the lecture notes on stellar distance for additional background information. Bring up the sky using REDSHIFT. Turn Constellation Boundaries on for display, and set 
HR diagram
Studying the Universe with Space Observatories The HR diagram, Continuum radiation & spectral type The Classification of Stellar Spectra, from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Related Links: Stellar Spectra: http://www.bc.cc.ca.us/programs/sea/astronomy
ASP3011: Graphics
The CNO Cycle (plus some other stuff...) The Ne-Na Cycle (plus CNO etc) Evolution A movie showing evolution of a star from the Main Sequence through to death as a white dwarf. 
Biography - Henry Russell
Henry Norris Russell, Director of the Princeton Observatory, was one of America's most distinguished astronomers. His grasp of all phases of astronomy was truly awesome. The son of a ... 
Suggested Resources - Links
HR Diagram of M15 In this project we will be analysing images from a "star cluster". We will analyze the light from stars in the M15 star cluster, and classify them accoring to their temperature and brightness. An HR diagram is also called a color..