

Gravitationslinsen (=gravitational lens)

PNAS - Gravitational Lenses
Gravitational Lenses and Cosmology: Last update: 8 Apr 1999 A Cosmological Primer: Cosmology as a field of astrophysics is concerned with (in the words of Hawking and Ellis) the large-scale structure of spacetime. 
Melbourne's Astronomy Central
Gravitational lensing describes how a massive object (for example a star or galaxy) changes the path of light from a distant object. The most obvious observational examples of 
SCAAMP Astronomy: Gravitational Lens Cosmology
Applications of Gravitational Lenses with Multiple Giant Arcs to the Search for Cosmological Parameters Researchers: Mr. Robert Link Graduate Research Assistant Department of 
Internet Resources on Gravitation and Cosmology - Internet Resources on Gravitation and Cosmology This page shows many links where one can learn gravitation and cosmology on the Internet, at all levels, by means of many tutorials and courses availablhttp://www.if.ufrj.br/~gracos/resources.html
Internet Resources on Gravitation and Cosmology This page shows many links where one can learn gravitation and cosmology on the Internet, at all levels, by means of many tutorials and courses availabl 
What are Laser Stars?
Lasers discovered in stars are similar to laboratory plasma recombination lasers. There are no black holes, no gravitational lenses and no superluminal motion. 
Astronomy Mailing List Archive: Hubble's Zoom Lens
Hubble's Zoom Lens Todd E Van Hoosear ( vanhoose@lalaland.cl.msu.edu ) Wed, 31 May 1995 22:16:26 -0400 (EDT) Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] Next 
Quadruple Lens 1608+656 Found in CLASS, Title Page
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