

Astronomy and Earth Science: The Astronomy of a constellation
Next to the Big Dipper, the constellation Orion is the most recognized group of stars in the night sky. It is hard not to notice this bright constellation even if your skies are 
: the science of earth and space;"a reference source to go along with today's science news." The site offers a brief synopsis and link to the full text of stories in five fields: Astronomy, Biology/Medicine, Earth Sciences, Weather/Climate, and Other Sciences. Also included are special reports, some Skywatch news for amateur astronomers, science trivia, and a Site of the Week award. Users can learn more about fourteen selected topics, such as the sun, eclipses, meteors, tides and waves, and the weather 
earth & astronomy
earth & astronomy. [ Follow Ups ] [ Post Followup ] [ Ask A Scientist ] Posted by Christopher Viemeister on October 08, 1998 at 12:17:43: Will earth... 
Earth and Moon Viewer
Earth and Moon Viewer 
Yahoo! Science:Astronomy:Solar System:Planets:Earth:Pictures
- searchable Space Shuttle Earth observations photography database illustrating some very interesting Earth features and processes, including cities. TerraServer - repository of 
Earth Observations From Space: Executive Summary
NRC report by the Committee on Earth Studies, Space Studies Board, reviews the recent history (nominally from 1981 to 1995) of the U.S. Earth observations programs that serve civilian needs. The report also reviews the interfaces between the Earth observations 
The Educator's Guide to NEAR
Astronomy and space flight lesson plans for students and teachers related to the NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory's Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous mission. 
Earth from Space
An astronaut's view of our home planet. 
Earth and Sky Homepage
Earth and Sky Online is the internet site of the popular international science radio program Earth and Sky. Earth and Sky is a daily science radio program bringing the wonders of science to the average person. 
Yahoo! Science:Astronomy:Solar System:Planets:Earth
- provides timely and accurate data on the Earth's orientation by maintaining key connections between astronomy, geodesy, and geophysics (in English and French). Click Here for a 
Introduction to Windows to the Universe
Our purpose is to develop a fun and different web site about the earth and space sciences 
Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere
Online lesson about the Earth's magnetic field for students and teachers of physics and astronomy. Download and print a folding paper model of the magnetosphere.
GMU Space Sciences
The Space Sciences group at George Mason University is dedicated to performing research and teaching in Astronomy and Space Sciences. The faculty in this group have affiliation in the Institute for Computational Sciences and Informatics (CSI), Center for Earth Observing and Space Sciences (CEOSR), and the Department of Physics and Astronomy
WWW Earth Sciences Links
From geology to oceanography, astronomy to paleontology, this list of World Wide Web sites covers several areas of Earth science. 
NASA/Marshall Astronomy - Sun/Earth Connection
SSL Home | Marshall Home | NASA Home | ASTRONOMY The Sun-Earth Connection The Sun influences Earth in many ways. On one hand it provides the light and heat that sustains life on our planet. On the other hand it bathes the Earth in ultraviolet light 
Links-Page: Meteorites, Meteors and Fireballs, Craters and Impacts, Comets, Planetology- and Astronomy-Sites, About Earth Science in Switzerland
Interesting Links to Related Sites Offered by the Swiss Meteorite Lab. (SML) & the Swiss Museum for Meteoritics (SMM) updated: 1998. April 26 Meteorites Life on Mars? The Homepage! The METEORITE!-Magazine Meteorite Central - a dealers site Meteoroids and 
SeaWiFS Project - Homepage
This page provides access into the background, status and documentation for NASA's global ocean color monitoring mission called SeaWiFS. See the latest image of Hurricane Floyd September 16, 1999 and the AftermathSeptember 23, 1999 and October 27, 1999 
APOD Index - Solar System: Earth's Moon
This index contains previous Astronomy Pictures of the Day (TM) sorted by subject and is updated monthly. Therefore, only APODs occurring before the beginning of this month are currently indexed. ...
Earth and Space Sciences
Effective 1 July 1997, the University has reorganized the programs formerly housed in the Department of Earth and Space Sciences. The Geosciences program (Earth) is now an independent department with the address: 
Astronomy and Earth Science
Astronomy and Earth Science Download the Astro Logo. Kathy Miles Daily Local News Daily Local News Articles Clouds: 6/10/96 Starlight sets off 1933 World Fair: 5/26/96 The chemistry of rain: 5/19/96 Recycling cars helps the Earth: 5/12/96 Wobble Watching 
Global View from Space
Get a glimpse of the Earth, as viewed from satellite images taken in space. Includes a description of specialized astronomy studies. 
Views of the Solar System
Privacy Statement Views of the Solar System by Calvin J.Hamilton Views of the Solar System presents a vivid multimedia adventure unfolding the splendor of the Sun, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and more. Discover the latest scientific... 
Earth - Space - Net Links
Links on our home planet Earth, pictures, theories, data, and more, from your About.com Guide 
Earth and Sky
we are one of the largest specullist suppliers of astronomy books based in the United Kingdom, we supply books all over, we are located at the Fieldview Astronomy Centre in North Norfolk in the East of England 
APOD Glossary
Astronomy Picture of the Day Glossary Cepheid: A pulsating variable star. This type of star undergoes a rhythmic pulsation as indicated by its regular pattern of changing brightness as a function of time. 
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS)
SEDS is an independent, student-based organization which promotes the exploration and development of space. SEDS pursues this mission by educating people about the benefits of space, by supporting a network of interested students, by providing an op 
Astronomy and Earth Science
Astronomy and Earth Science Kathy Miles Daily Local News Check out Kathy's new Web Site The Earth and Space Network, http://earthspace.net Articles by Kathy Miles DLN Article Date Published Clouds 6/10/96 Starlight sets off 1933 World Fair 5/26/96 The 
Yahoo! Science>Astronomy>Solar System>Planets>Earth>Pictures
- searchable Space Shuttle Earth observations photography database illustrating some very interesting Earth features and processes, including cities. TerraServer - repository of 
NASA/Marshall Astronomy - Sun/Earth Connection
NASA web site featuring basic research in astronomy, solar and space plasma (auroral) physics. Links to recent NASA research in these fields. 
OMNIWeb is a WWW-based data retrieval and analysis interface to NSSDC's OMNI data which consist of 1-hour-resolution "near-Earth" solar wind magnetic field and plasma data, energetic proton fluxes (1-60 MeV), and geomagnetic and solar activity indices. 
Earth and Sky list of titles
we are one of the largest specullist suppliers of astronomy books based in the United Kingdom, we supply books all over, we are located at the Fieldview Astronomy Centre in North Norfolk in the East of England